The Perennial Math Online Competition is open to school teams, clubs, and homeschool organizations. A team membership is for up to 30 students at one competition level for one season. There are five separate levels of competition: Rookie (grades 3-4), Intermediate (grades 5-6), and Advanced (grades 7- 8). Coaches may choose to participate in the Nov-Feb season and/or the Jan-April season for each team.
U.S. Team memberships cost $100 and are good for up to 30 students in one level of competition for one season. A parent may purchase an Individual membership for a child for $25. We accept purchase orders from schools, checks, credit cards, and PayPal.
Coaches have access to the tests from the previous year and a series of PowerPoints with questions to develop problem-solving skills. We recommend a weekly (45 minute - 1 hour) practice session with your team. Books are also available with our tests from previous years and we also have Edward Zaccaro books in our store.
There are 4 monthly tests per season. Each test has 6 multi-step questions. The tests can be taken online by the student or the teacher can print the tests for students and enter their scores after they are graded. Teachers may use both methods to do the contest if needed in case computer lab time is not available or a student is absent. We recommend that coaches print a test for the student even if the student is using the computer so that they have a hard copy to work their problems on.
Certificate of participation for all students and 1 gold medal per team. Team plaques for top 10% in
each grade level. Dog tags for students in the top 10% at their grade level. We also post student names
on our "Wall of Fame" for each monthly test if they score a 5 or 6 on the test and coaches can print out
a Wall of Fame certificate.
Create an account and order memberships from After purchase, you will add coaches and their login information. Coaches will verify their accounts and be able to add students and have access to practice materials upon set up. | 1-888-835-2366 | |